Silencing the Noise of Distraction

A Good Word


Episode 3

Published on:

11th Feb, 2021

Episode 2

Published on:

12th Dec, 2020

Episode 1

Published on:

13th Nov, 2020

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About the Podcast

A Good Word
We live in a world where around every corner, something new tries to get us. Whether it's a global pandemic, financial instability, political upheaval, social unrest or any of the other numerous terrors that lurk, it's easy to see why so many of us struggle getting through the day. Thankfully, there is hope in the midst of the turmoil. The Bible gives us a clear message of love, hope, and grace found in Jesus Christ. This podcast is designed to provide you with a weekly, energetic uplift by focusing on His message. Regardless of your race, sex, age, political association, or social situation, this podcast is for you. So what do you say? Are you ready to receive "a good word".

Proverbs 12:25 "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad." (ESV)

About your host

Profile picture for Jordan Schirman

Jordan Schirman

You are loved. If you don't read anything else today, please walk away with these words. These words took me 33 years to even begin to understand and grasp. This is not because I wasn't loved; rather, because I couldn't comprehend why anyone would love me. Everything around us today is designed to try and change us into who we "should be" rather than celebrating who we were made to be. That is why I am doing this podcast; to help show you that you are loved just as you are. You are enough. You are a child of God.

I am not a pastor, religious leader, or spiritual guru. I am a person, just like you. I have seen the darkness of despair and lived the brokenness that comes out of it. Yet, I have experienced the transforming power of freedom that only comes from the love and grace of Jesus Christ. It is that love and grace that I believe and live with that is there waiting for you. Whether you need a pick-me-up or freedom from bondage, I pray these podcasts will help. Thank you for joining me and remember: You are loved.